Friday, July 28, 2006

Got spat at? Spit back!

‘What!’ I exclaimed as my ex-colleague Gerard narrated his experience. He was returning from some place one sunny afternoon when a lazy public transport bus zoomed past him. As he tried to steer clear with his modest Kinetic Honda ZX a generous gob of human saliva shot out from within one unmistakable window and landed on dear Gerry’s left hand. Unable to bear being used as a metaphor for a trash bin and having endured enough abuse all his life as a commuter, Gerry had sped up right next to the roaring automobile, stood up on his Honda bike and returned the favor back into the surprised face of the passenger who occupied the window referred above. Gerry had then sped away from this catastrophe of an incident before getting into further trouble.

As amusing as this incident might seem, what really makes it borderline hilarious is that this is the only way, as it seems, that public sense can be evoked. How many times have you come across characters that relieve themselves on walls that yell back not to do so? How many times have you wondered why no one seems to want to pay that one rupee to use the many publicly installed restrooms across the city? How many times have you been extra cautious while walking past the windows of a bus not knowing what to expect on your head? A half eaten piece of corn? A very alive cigarette butt? Or worse?

Studies show that people are less likely to commit a sin when they become victims of the same genre. If there is anything real about this statement then I guess what my friend Gerry did was quite possibly heroic and is eligible for an award or two.

The human faculty is blessed with five major senses with the exceptional sixth one. But sadly the one sense they seem to have trouble mastering is the most common one – Civic Sense. What is ironic about it is that this sense seems to grow out like an extra limb when these very people travel to foreign lands. Can you imagine getting away with such disgusting behavior in London or Singapore? When confronted with this argument they retaliate with ‘Oh it is only India. Kindly adjust.’

Fair enough. We will adjust without a single shred of problem but only if they are ready to accept what they gave. Ever been in a traffic jam when the person behind you honks meaninglessly? I propose you carry a blow horn at all times. The moment he gets annoying step down from your vehicle and return the favor right next to his window. Wouldn’t that be the ideal revenge?



Blogger Ravi said...

Excellent observation on reality. Our people will never learn. I was working in Agra a decade ago and was almost threw up on my first day of work when I opened the last drawer of my desk. It was red with Paan spits and my colleague then explained that the Company had given permission to employees to use the last drawer for spitting their paan as it saved considerable man hours. People always chew paan and were going out every 15 minutes to spit the one already chewed and pop another into their mouths. Can anyone believe this. This is reality and people still follow this practise.

Your friend Gerry did the right thing in spitting back. How many of us would have thought at that moment to chase the bus and repay the debt.

Good post.

4:08 AM  
Blogger ShaK said...

Thanks for the response there Ravi. We do indeed a spit-free society in some shape and form.

4:58 AM  

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