Sunday, July 09, 2006

Is Namma Bengaluru really safe after dark ??

Well, if you read today's paper, it is NOT. There are muggers everywhere these days and in some case the protectors are themselves muggers. Yes this is our Bengaluru.

Read these stories and you will know what I am talking about....

Last Tuesday
A BPO executive was waylaid by muggers on Airport Road and forcibly taken to an ATM centre by muggers and told to withdraw everything in his account.

Last Monday
A 30-year-old photographer had to stop near on Hesaraghatta Main Road at 11 pm because his scooter ran out of petrol. As he was refuelling, three policemen allegedly asked for his papers. He was then frisked and whatever money he had on him was taken. He was assaulted and taken to the Vidyaranyapura Police Station. There, another police officer kicked him in the head and the photographer was injured to the extent that he needed two stitches. He was taken home by the police at around 12.30 am.

Last Sunday
Two college students were assaulted and robbed at Kempapura.

28th June
A software professional was stabbed and robbed of his gold chain and mobile phone near Victoria Road.

26th June
A software professional returning from work in a car was followed by four men on two bikes on Indiranagar 100 Feet Road. Though they stopped the car, he managed to get away, but was chased by the bikers to an apartment building in Kodihalli.

So my dear friends in Bangalore, and particularly those living in the outskirts, beware of these muggers and always travel in groups, travel in buses after dark and never attempt to walk on a lonely road.


Blogger ShaK said...

No city in India is anymore safe after dark. The same holds good for Bengalooru. Citizens need to be cautious about when they travel and how.

9:54 AM  
Blogger SaTiSh said...

@(@(@(@(@(satish)@)@)@)@)@Want more information to you then why wait? Click on any one of URL http://

5:25 PM  

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