Saturday, December 16, 2006

A Real super Hero

A friend of mine sent this to me by E mail and I thought it was a wonderful story which every Indian should know.

On last Tuesday a news swept across all the news channels 'Sanjay Dutt relieved by the court'. 'Sirf Munna Not a bhai' '13 saal ka vanvaas khatam' 'alhough found guilty for possession of armory, Sanjay can breathe a sigh of relief as all the TADA charges against him are withdrawn'

And then many experts like Salman khan saying 'He is a good person. We knew he will come out clean' Mr. Big B, 'Dutt family and our family
have relations for years - he's a good kid. He is like elder brother to Abhishek'. His sister Priya Dutt 'we can sleep well tonight…it's a great relief'

In another news: Parliament was mad at Indian team for performing badly; Greg chapel said something …..; Bomb scare in Gorakhpoor
express; and Shah Rukh Khan replaces Big B in KBC and Sonia asked PM to consider reducing petroleum prices (I wonder who's the PM …anyways that is not the topic so leave it…) But most of the emphasis was given on Sanjay Datt's "phoenix like" comeback from the ashes of terrorist charges.

Surfing through the channels, one news on BBC startled me, it read, Hisbul Mujahidin's Most wanted terrorist 'Sohel Faisal' killed in
Anantnag, India. Indian Major leading the operation lost his life in the process. Four others are injured.

It was past midnight, I started visiting the Indian channels, the ones who are 'Sabse TEZ', but Sanjubaba was still ruling. They were telling How Sanjubaba pleaded to the court saying 'I am the sole bread earner for my family' 'I have a daughter who is studying in US - who will look after her'. And then they showed how Sanjubaba was not wearing
his lucky blue shirt while he was hearing the verdict. Also how he went to every temple and prayed for last some months. A suspect in Mumbai bomb blasts, convicted under armory act…..was being made into a hero.

Major Manish H Pitambare got the information from his sources about the terrorists' whereabouts. Wasting no time he attacked the camp killed the Hisbul Mujahidin's supremo and in the process lost his life….. To the bullets fired from an AK47……

He has a wife and a daughter (just like Sanjubaba), age …..18 months.
Major Manish never said 'I have a daughter' …before he took the decision to attack the terrorist hide out on the darkest of nights?

He never thought about having a family and he being the sole bread earner.

No news channel covered this since they were too busy hyping a former drug addict, an actor in real and reel life, a suspect who's linked to
bomb blasts which killed hundreds. Their aim was to show how he defied the TADA charges and they were so successful that his conviction in possession of armory had no meaning. They also concluded that his parents in heaven must be happy and proud of him……

Parents of Major Pitambare are still on this earth and they have to live rest of their lives without their beloved son. His daughter won't
ever see her papa again.

Definition of a Star has changed Major… it really has. So Sanjubaba always has a gun in every one of his movies then in real life if he
has an AK47 then what's the big deal we are used to see him with some ammunition without it he's just a 49 year old hero so he did it for us… that we feel normal; Even if one of the bullets from one of such AK47's took a Real Star's life…….

but sir bole toh ….. tension nahi leneka. Aapun ko thoda bura laga.

Aapun pure din aapke baarein mein socha. Sach bataun kya aapun dukhi matlab ki senty ho gaya isliye ye likha.

Sorry major, to my generation there is no greater hero than one who laid his life in the name of this great nation. Hence Sir, I salute you. You are the real Star....